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                    Indian Head Massage

Indian Head Massage and Foot Reflexology both help to improve blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and help to drain away accumulated toxins in the body. They both also help release stress by putting the body into a relaxation state.

Indian Head Massage

45 minutes for $65.00

Indian Head Massage is done in a seated position, without the need to undress or use oils. A fairly tight-fitting T-shirt/long-sleeved shirt gives the best results. It includes massage of the shoulders, upper arms, neck, scalp, face, ears and energy balancing.

IHM promotes general relaxation, improves blood circulation, and lymphatic drainage. It increases oxygen to the brain and drains away toxins.

IHM also relaxes tight and painful muscles, eases stiffness and breaks down knots in muscles. Reduces stress symptoms, can give your hair a healthy, lustrous shine and promote hair growth, IHM soothes, comforts and re-balances your energy flow which gives you a deep sense of peace, calm and tranquillity.

History of Indian Head Massage

The art of Indian Head Massage originated from Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine.

The Ayurvedic approach to health is the balance of body, mind, spirit and the promotion of long life.

This complimentary therapy was first introduced in the United Kingdom in 1981 by Narendra Mehta, when he opened The London Centre of Indian Champissage International.

You can also choose to rest your feet on warm Himalayan Salt Blocks while you enjoy a relaxing session of Indian Head Massage.  45 minutes of Detox from top to bottom! 

Himalayan Salt can help reduce allergy and asthma symptoms, ease coughing, increase energy levels, improve your sleep, treat seasonal affective disorder and improve mood and concentration, plus so many other benefits

Package deal:  $70.00


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